CloudWatch vs CloudTrail - Which AWS Monitoring Tool is Better for Your Business?

January 19, 2022

CloudWatch vs CloudTrail - Which AWS Monitoring Tool is Better for Your Business?

AWS cloud infrastructure is widely used and considered reliable by many businesses. Nevertheless, the importance of monitoring and auditing your cloud infrastructure cannot be overstated, and AWS offers two commonly used tools for that purpose - CloudWatch and CloudTrail.

In this blog post, we'll examine both tools, their features, limitations, and costs in order to help you decide which one is better for your business.


CloudWatch is an AWS-provided tool that offers monitoring and logging services, alongside actionable insights and alerts. It can keep an eye on CPU usage, disk usage, network activity, and more.

CloudWatch Metrics provides various metrics to monitor, and CloudWatch Logs capture log files and their contents. CloudWatch Events can then listen to these logs and metrics and trigger specific actions when something happens.


  • Real-time monitoring and logging of cloud infrastructure
  • Customizable metrics and logging options
  • Notifications via email, SMS, or other methods
  • Integration with AWS automation tools
  • Integration with third-party tools


  • Limited to AWS-provided services and applications
  • Higher costs for high-resolution metrics and logs
  • Limited customizability with default alarm actions


CloudWatch costs $0.30 per metric per month and $0.50 per GB of log data ingested. Custom alerts and alarms can also be set up starting at $0.10 per alarm per month.


CloudTrail is a logging and auditing tool providing visibility into changes made to your AWS account, including who made them and when they were made. It can also capture errors and exceptions in order to troubleshoot and debug issues.


  • Detailed, searchable audit logs of AWS account activity
  • Integration with AWS CloudWatch logs and alerts
  • Automatic log files archiving
  • Cross-account auditing


  • Not all API calls are logged by default
  • No automatic alert notifications
  • Only log files created after enabling CloudTrail


CloudTrail costs $0.10 per 100,000 events with an additional cost of $2.00 per GB of data stored each month. This can vary depending on data volume.


Here is a comparison table for an at-a-glance overview of the differences between CloudWatch and CloudTrail:

Features CloudWatch CloudTrail
Metrics Yes No
Customizable Yes No
Notification methods Multiple None
Custom alarm actions Limited No
AWS account activity monitoring No Yes
Searchable logs Yes Yes
Integrations Multiple Multiple
API call logging Yes Some
Automatic log archiving No Yes
Automatic alert notifications Yes No
Cost $0.30 per metric/month, other costs variable $0.10 per 100,000 events, $2.00 per GB/month


Both CloudWatch and CloudTrail are important monitoring tools for AWS cloud infrastructure. CloudWatch is best for monitoring metrics and sending custom alerts, while CloudTrail provides visibility into AWS account activity and is useful for logging and auditing purposes.

The best tool for your business depends on your specific needs and budget. Regardless of which tool you choose, it's essential to monitor and manage your AWS infrastructure.


  1. AWS CloudWatch Documentation []
  2. AWS CloudTrail Documentation []

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